Social Media Fun

Over the last little while I have been asked to present on Social Media Marketing or Social Media Networking.   A business enterprise centre was kind enough to ask me if I would present the powerpoint presentation that the Government of Ontario had provided them.

I graciously accepted their invitation and continue to give this seminar as requested.

When I do my presentation I make a few extra comments about social media that I believe to be of value.

  • To really get into social media for your business you really do need to have an interest in the mediums you’re using – Facebook, Twitter, blogging, etc.  I find that the people that do social media marketing the best are the ones that find this kind of activity fun and would do it for recreation as well as for business.
  • It’s not about selling your product/service or yourself.  It’s about telling people about things you find interesting.  Your personality will come through the words that you write.   Cam Guthrie from HJM Insurance does a great job with social media in that he announces what businesses he’s working with that day or from time to time he mentions how much he has saved a family on insurance.  It’s never a sale.  It’s just exciting information that he is sharing.  Cam also posts on personal items as well such as politics, bands in town and other subjects he values.  It really gives everyone a glimpse at who Cam really is.
  • How fast is it?  It’s fast!  As an example, a friend of mine posted in Facebook that she needed a realtor in the Brampton area and asked if any of her friends knew of anyone.  I got that message and within 5 minutes of her posting I  recommended someone that I had met 3 months back at a networking seminar. Two minutes after I answered someone else did too.  My friend contacted my realtor referral first and the deal was done! 
  • This isn’t for everyone.  I highly doubt that social media is going to go away however this might not be the avenue that is best suited for you.  Social media takes time to do and only you are the best judge as to where your time is best spent.  If you’re not sure, talk to other people in and out of your industry and see if they are taking advantage of social media and what the results are.  You can always attend a seminar about this topic or read up more about it on the Internet.

As you would know, I blog, tweet and have a facebook page.  I love social media marketing but I like it for the social side of things.  I can’t firmly say that it will bring in lots of business but I do know that I gain more exposure as I participate and that can never be a bad thing.

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